======2023-12-18 Lynchburg Urban Network Meeting Agenda====== * Choose present member to take notes * Have each present member briefly report on LUN-related activities, observations, and thoughts etc. from this month * Quick review of Lynchburg Road Issues progress * Campbell Avenue intersection reconstruction [[https://www.lynchburgva.gov/sites/default/files/COLFiles/Financial-Services/Budget/FY2024/ADOPTED%202024.pdf#page=451|CIP page in budget document]] * Improving pedestrian experience downtown through upcoming Commerce St./Main St. reconstructions and John Lynch bridge multimodal improvements * Filling out city manager's [[https://webapps.lynchburgva.gov/citylink/BudgetBracket|Budget Bracket]] and ensuring transit riders are represented in bracket results * Nathan distributes LUN business cards to everybody * Publish notes to location accessible by all members